• Address: Jl. Raya Pertamina Cikarang A No. 1
    Ds. Karang Sentosa, Cikarang

  • Call Us: +(021)89161435

What We Do For You



We offer powder coating services by using horizontal carousel powder coating line with high quality powder coating brands and excellent corrosion protection


We offer anodizing services (electrochemical process) for a superior surface finishes which reacts differently to both natural and artificial light.


We offer ducting services with the highest automation and highest efficiency machines. All needed processes are provided from cutting sheet metal to forming the whole duct.

Company Overview

About Us

PT. Cahaya Anodiize Industry started in 2002 as a private company. We have thrived in the past years becoming one of the best companies in Trade in Goods and Services Industry, especially Air Duct Accessories in Indonesia. Our products, services and commitment are the best responses of the challenges of the fast-growing Building and Construction Industry in Indonesia. We have always emphasized foremost on high-quality and the best value-added products to consistently offer great customer experiences. With a clear vision and mission, PT. Cahaya Anodize Industry has a high commitment to secure our strong brand positioning and existences as a crucial role in this fast-growing industry.

Defening Milestones

Our History

  • 2002
    Awesome Image

    Started at Cikarang

    PT. Cahaya Anodize Industry started in 2002 as a private company

Company Goal

Vision & Mission


Menjadi perusahaan terkemuka di bidang aksesoris ducting yang berkontribusi positif untuk perkembangan industri Indonesia

Becoming a leading integrated Air Duct Accessories company to contribute positively to the industry development in Indonesia.


Memberikan pelayanan terbaik dengan produk berkualitas, efisien, dan membangun kerjasama positif dengan pelanggan sejalan dengan peningkatan kualitas sumber daya manusia yang berpengalaman di bidangnya, berintegritas dan berkomitmen tinggi untuk memenuhi permintaan pasar di indonesia

Delivering an outstanding customer experience through premium products, efficiency and strong positive relationships with customers along with increasing the quality of human resource with sufficient knowledge, integrity and high commitments in Indonesia.

Service for the best

Why Choose Us

Dependable Quality


Waktu pengiriman yang terpercaya dan tepat waktu untuk kepuasan pelanggan. Provide reliable delivery times and on-time delivery for customer satisfactions.


Memberikan harga terbaik dan dapat bersaing. Regularly conduct market observations to give the best competitive and fair price.


Peralatan dan mesin produksi yang berteknologi tinggi untuk memaksimalkan kuantitas dan kualitas barang. High-technology equipments to maximise the quantity and quality of products.


Bekerja sama dengan para profesional industri yang terpercaya di bidangnya untuk memberikan nilai-nilai perusahaan dan pengalaman pelanggan terbaik. Comprised of trusted industry professionals to deliver our values and offer the best customer experiences.

How We Work